Star Tribune : Scheels, Eden Prairie employee sued over suicide of Minnesota teen in store

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Scheels, Eden Prairie employee sued over suicide of Minnesota teen in store – Jordan Markie was 19 when he went to Scheels in Eden Prairie and asked to see a handgun that he loaded with ammo and used to kill himself. A lawsuit questions company policy and the actions of an employee. Jordan Markie was 19 when he went to Scheels in Eden Prairie and asked to see a handgun that he loaded with ammo and used to kill himself. A lawsuit questions company policy and the actions of an employee.

​Jordan Markie was 19 when he went to Scheels in Eden Prairie and asked to see a handgun that he loaded with ammo and used to kill himself. A lawsuit questions company policy and the actions of an employee.

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This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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Star Tribune : Passersby rescue man from burning car that crashed on freeway in Roseville

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Passersby rescue man from burning car that crashed on freeway in Roseville – The 22-year-old driver was in critical condition Tuesday at HCMC in Minneapolis. The 22-year-old driver was in critical condition Tuesday at HCMC in Minneapolis.

​The 22-year-old driver was in critical condition Tuesday at HCMC in Minneapolis.

​News & Politics, The Latest 

Startribune News

This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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