Star Tribune : Minnesota youth leader charged with swimming naked with young girls

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Minnesota youth leader charged with swimming naked with young girls – One girl’s family has told the court it was OK. One girl’s family has told the court it was OK.

​One girl’s family has told the court it was OK.

​Duluth, Greater Minnesota, News & Politics, The Latest 

Startribune News

This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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Star Tribune : 2 men dead after shooting in Blaine residential area

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : 2 men dead after shooting in Blaine residential area – A statement from the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office said the two men were found dead blocks apart from each other, one of them from a suspected self-inflicted gunshot wound. A statement from the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office said the two men were found dead blocks apart from each other, one of them from a suspected self-inflicted gunshot wound.

​A statement from the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office said the two men were found dead blocks apart from each other, one of them from a suspected self-inflicted gunshot wound.

​Twin Cities Suburbs, Twin Cities, Local, North Metro, News & Politics, The Latest 

Startribune News

This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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Star Tribune : Walz responds to Vance questioning his military record, says no veteran should be condemned

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Walz responds to Vance questioning his military record, says no veteran should be condemned – Governor also thanked Vance for his service and sacrifice. Governor also thanked Vance for his service and sacrifice.

​Governor also thanked Vance for his service and sacrifice.

​News & Politics, Local, Politics, The Latest 

Startribune News

This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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