Star Tribune : Charge: St. Paul man set up for robbery, murdered in home by woman soliciting sex

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Charge: St. Paul man set up for robbery, murdered in home by woman soliciting sex – Authorities believe the woman led someone into Andrew Gutzman’s home before he was murdered. Authorities believe the woman led someone into Andrew Gutzman’s home before he was murdered.

​Authorities believe the woman led someone into Andrew Gutzman’s home before he was murdered.



This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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Star Tribune : This downtown Minneapolis event series costs $750K. Why is attendance low?

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : This downtown Minneapolis event series costs $750K. Why is attendance low? – The weekend-night event creates a pedestrian zone for safety — but with food, restrooms and games on 1st Avenue N. downtown. The weekend-night event creates a pedestrian zone for safety — but with food, restrooms and games on 1st Avenue N. downtown.

​The weekend-night event creates a pedestrian zone for safety — but with food, restrooms and games on 1st Avenue N. downtown.



This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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