Star Tribune : Charges: Man from D.C. area coaxed Minnesota teen to send explicit images

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Charges: Man from D.C. area coaxed Minnesota teen to send explicit images – He flew to Minnesota to meet the young teenage girl, but the encounter didn’t occur, according to prosecutors. He flew to Minnesota to meet the young teenage girl, but the encounter didn’t occur, according to prosecutors.

​He flew to Minnesota to meet the young teenage girl, but the encounter didn’t occur, according to prosecutors.



This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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Star Tribune : Minneapolis music eatery Icehouse will avoid eviction under new ownership plan

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Minneapolis music eatery Icehouse will avoid eviction under new ownership plan – Some formerly silent partners in the Eat Street venue are taking over with the continued involvement of founder Brian Liebeck. Some formerly silent partners in the Eat Street venue are taking over with the continued involvement of founder Brian Liebeck.

​Some formerly silent partners in the Eat Street venue are taking over with the continued involvement of founder Brian Liebeck.



This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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Star Tribune : Ex-police sergeant given 10-year term for killing driver, infant son in crash in Superior, Wis.

This is a local news article published by the Star Tribune in Minnesota. For the full article click on the link below. Star Tribune : Ex-police sergeant given 10-year term for killing driver, infant son in crash in Superior, Wis. – The prosecution said during sentencing that Gregory Swanson’s blood alcohol content was measured at 0.19% soon after the wreck. The prosecution said during sentencing that Gregory Swanson’s blood alcohol content was measured at 0.19% soon after the wreck.

​The prosecution said during sentencing that Gregory Swanson’s blood alcohol content was measured at 0.19% soon after the wreck.



This news article was originally published by the Star Tribune. For the full article please click on the link below.

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